Our Network of
Purposeful and Powerful Podcasts.
Meet the voices behind our Podcast Network.
Will your voice be next?

Sadhana Smiles
Why is sharing your voice so important to you?
I didn’t share my voice for a long time. Sharing my voice has given me agency and a platform to voice my opinions and beliefs. To take a stand on issues that matter to me such as diversity, parity and leadership. It has also enabled me to connect and collaborate. No two voices are the same and as one of the few diverse people around every board table I sit around, I know my voice is important and critical to shaping an organisation’s future.

Div Pillay
"Why is sharing your voice so important to you?
I share my voice as I know representation matters, other women of colour have said it spurs them on to use their voice too.
I also use my voice to connect, create spaces, collaborate, caution on risks to mental health and critically analyse the progress on gender, race and ethnic equity and inclusion in our society and in the workplace.

Kiani Mills
Why is sharing your voice so important to you?
Not being in control of our own destiny or being unable to write our own stories unfortunately is experienced as ‘normal’ by many, purely because they don’t know any other way.
By sharing my voice and my story i hope to inspire others to do the same, or see that it’s possible to change your path, write your own story and be everything you never thought was possible.
The power of voice is the key to unlocking your freedom and change the narrative!

Maritza Barone
Why is sharing your voice so important to you?
Sharing my voice means freedom. Freedom to be authentic and freedom to be able to voice the thoughts, opinions, experiences and lessons I have had, in the hope that it helps others.
Holding back our voice or not having an avenue to truly be seen and heard can feel like we are restricted. Not only do I love to ease those restrictions on myself, I love helping others to do the same.

Elizabeth Formosa
Why is sharing your voice so important to you?
For me, it's about the rich, raw, and real conversations that sharing sharing my voice allows me to have with others. By holding space, this creates a powerful exchange of stories, experiences, and often breakthroughs - and that's where the magic happens!

Melissa, from Meleros
Why is sharing your voice so important to you?
A voice gives your opinions a platform, and gifts you with the opportunity to have perspective and knowledge on things that matter.
Having my voice heard gives me so much, especially in the way of meeting others and exposing their stories to a greater audience of people.

Liz Volpe
Why is sharing your voice so important to you?
I love all things mystical and magical, and am especially passionate about teaching people how to tap into their intuition. I want to ‘normalise’ spiritual convo’s!

Dianne Driscoll
Why is sharing your voice so important to you?
There is something deeply healing in both hearing and sharing life experiences, especially the ones that we are conditioned to hold inside.

Rebecca Maklad
Why is sharing your voice so important to you?
In my view, human storytelling is a potent tool for understanding complex ideas and concepts. By seeking out patterns in human stories, we can gain deep insights into how people think, feel, and respond to different situations.

Mirella Petrucci
Why is sharing your voice so important to you?
I hope that by sharing what I have learnt and implemented in my life since being diagnosed with multiple sclerosis, plants a seed or sparks some curiosity in others.

Ali McKelive
Why is sharing your voice so important to you?
I believe in a world where we don't need to fix anything about ourselves, because we wake up and finally realise, there was nothing broken in the first place…Through sharing my voice I can introduce the new paradigm of love, and show others that in order to find your energetic match, you must first match that energy.

Alicia Temmerman
Why is sharing your voice so important to you?
Sharing my voice is important to me because I believe each of us has magic and healing resonances within us and when I share this with others my soul and my heart feel good and this radiates out to help others connect more with their own magic and resonances
Contact us to partner or book one of our Guide Your Light voices for speaking or media opportunities.

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Network Community

The Guide Your Light Network brings together a community of impact led independent podcasters, elevating voices who are inspiring, educating, entertaining and transforming lives.